Wednesday, May 21, 2014

10 TOP ETL Testing Interview Questions and Answers pdf

Most frequently Asked ETL Testing Interview Questions and Answers for freshers and experienced pdf free download
1. What are critical success factors?
Key areas of activity in which favorable results are necessary for a company to obtain its goal.
There are four basic types of CSFs which are:
Industry CSFs
Strategy CSFs
Environmental CSFs
Temporal CSFs

2. What is data cube technology used for?
Data cubes are commonly used for easy interpretation of data. It is used to represent data along with dimensions as some measures of business needs. Each dimension of the cube represents some attribute of the database. E.g profit per day, month or year.

3. What is data cleaning?
Data cleaning is also known as data scrubbing.
Data cleaning is a process which ensures the set of data is correct and accurate. Data accuracy and consistency, data integration is checked during data cleaning. Data cleaning can be applied for a set of records or multiple sets of data which need to be merged.

4. Explain how to mine an OLAP cube?
An extension of data mining can be used for slicing the data the source cube in discovered data mining.
The case table is dimensioned at the time of mining a cube.

5. What are different stages of data mining?
A stage of data mining is a logical process for searching large amount information for finding important data.
Stage 1: Exploration: One will want to explore and prepare data. The goal of the exploration stage is to find important variables and determine their nature.
Stage 2: pattern identification: Searching for patterns and choosing the one which allows making best prediction, is the primary action in this stage.
Stage 3: Deployment stage. Until consistent pattern is found in stage 2, which is highly predictive, this stage cannot be reached. The pattern found in stage 2, can be applied for the purpose to see whether the desired outcome is achieved or not.

6. What are the different problems that data mining can solve?
Data mining can be used in a variety of fields/industries like marketing of products and services, AI, government intelligence.
The US FBI uses data mining for screening security and intelligence for identifying illegal and incriminating e-information distributed over internet.

7. What is Data Purging?
Deleting data from data warehouse is known as data purging.  Usually junk  data like rows with null values or spaces are cleaned up.
Data purging is the process of cleaning this kind of junk values.

8. What is BUS schema?
A BUS schema is to identify the common dimensions across business processes, like identifying conforming dimensions. It has conformed dimension and standardized definition of facts.

9. Define non-additive facts?
Non additive facts are facts that cannot be summed up for any dimensions present in fact table. These columns cannot be added for producing any results.

10. What is conformed fact? What are conformed dimensions used for?
Conformed fact in a warehouse allows itself to have same name in separate tables. They can be compared and combined mathematically. Conformed dimensions can be used across multiple data marts. They have a static structure. Any dimension table that is used by multiple fact tables can be conformed dimensions.

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