Friday, July 4, 2014

20 TOP Application Packaging Interview Questions and Answers pdf

Most Frequently asked 20 Top Application Packaging Interview Questions and Answers for freshers and experienced pdf
1. Features of the application packaging?
=> Installation and management of assemblies
=> Configure Merge Modules
=> Isolation of program information
=> Enhancement of operating system features
=> Application compatibility infrastructure
=> Digital signature support
=> supports for Transforms and Patches from URL resources
=> Improved terminal server support
=> enhanced logging
=> Application compatibility

2. What is MSI? Advantages of MSI?
MSI => Microsoft Installer. It is an installation, in the form of a single file. It is actually a Database
that contains several tables (80+) each of this table contains instructions and set-up information
=> Self Healing
=> Roll Back
=> Install on Demand
=> Advertisement
=> Source resiliency

3. What is component?
Collection of resources that are always installed or removed as a unit from a user system like files
and folders and regis tries

4. What are the component Rules?
=> every component have unique GUI
=> Every Component Should have a key path
=> HKLM&HKCU registries are not present in the same component
=> .exe, .dll, ocx files should not present in the same component
=> Two components can't install in the same resource
=> all resources of a component must install same directory

5. What is Key path?
A Resource in the component which is used to identify whether the component is installed or not
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6. What are the Component attributes 0, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32?
0 => 0X0000
msidbComponent attributes local only
Component can't run from source.
Prevent the feature from being run from my computer.
2 => 0X0002
msidbComponent Attributes Optional
Run locally or from source.
4 => 0X0004\
msidbComponent Attributes Registry Key-path
Key-path column is used as a key-path into the registry table.
8 => 0X0008
msidbComponent Attributes SharedDLL Count
Installer increments the shared dll count in the shared dll regis try.
If it is not set the installer increments the reference count only, if the reference count is already
16 => 0X0010
msidbComponent Attributes Permanent
Installer doesn't remove the component during un-installation.
32 => 0X0020
msidbComponent Attributes ODBC Data source
This bit is set the value in the key-path column a key into the ODBC data source.
64 => 0X0040
msidbComponent Attributes Transitive
Re evaluates the value of the statement.
128 => 0X0080
msidbComponent Attributes Never Overwrite
Installer does not install or reinstall the component if key-path file or key-path regis try entry of the
component already exists.
256 =>0X0100
MsidbComponent Attributes includes both 32-bit&64-bit
If the bit is not set , the component is regis tered as a32-bit component. If this is a 64-bit component
replacing 32-bit.
512 => 0X0200
MsidbComponent Attributes Disable Registry Reflection
Registry disable reflection key on each key being accessed by the component
If is available with windows installer version 4.0. The bit is ignored on 32-bit system ignored on the
64-bit version of windows XP..

7. What are the ODBC Related tables
=> ODBC Data Source Table
=> ODBC Driver Table
=> ODBC Translator Table
=> ODBC Attribute Table
=> ODBC Source Attribute Table

8. Phases of MSI installation?
v Acquisition: The Installer installs the feature and then progresses through the action specified in the sequence tables of the installation database. This action query the installation database and generates a script that gives a step by step procedure for performing the installation .
v Execution: Install passes the information to process with elevated privileges and run the script.
v Rollback: If an installation unsuccessful. The installer restores the original state of the computer it generates the rollback script simultaneously to the script . installer saves a copy of every file it deletes during the installation these files are kept in hidden system directory.
Once installation is completed the rollback script and the saved files are deleted.

9. What is Config.msi folder?
Rollback script files are stored in the config.msi location.
After completion of installation this folder gets deleted.

10. How does ADDLOCAL Property works?
Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out Page 4 of 10 APPLICATION PACKAGING Interview Questions and Answers

11. Why more than one MSIEXEC run in the task manager while installing the MSI?
While a MSI getting installed, We see 3-4 MSIEXEC running in task manager, they are MSI server,
Client and Services and the 4th one will be seen when a custom action is getting installed

12. What are the Red Components? Why it is appear?
Red Components is an error component, When components is not satis fied the component rules
then we got red component.

13. How to resolve the Red components?
when component satisfies the component rules then only we resolve red components .

14. What is per user installation ?
It gives permission per single user only property is ALLUSERS=0.

15. What is Per machine installation ?
It gives permission per all users property is ALLUSERS=1.

16. What is preferred ALLUSERS=0 or 1 or 2?
ALLUSERS=1, For best practice.

17. What are the Merge Modules? Extension of Merge modules?
Allows companies to prepackage and share standard components definitions, Merge modules are used to deliver shared code, files, resources, registry entries used setup logic to application as a single compound file.
Extension of merge modules is .msm.

18. What are the Merge module tables?
Module Signature, Module Component, Module Dependency, Module Exclusion, Module Admin UI Sequence, Module Ignore, Module Sub Situation, Module Configuration.

19. What is location of Shared DLL Registry?
HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Current Version\"Shared Dll with the path of file "

20. What is a Shared DLL Component?
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